The CGI Malaysia Conference was attended by 1,103 people from about 36 countries around the world. The venue was out-of-this world in the gorgeous “Calvary Convention Center” in beautiful Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Oct. 28th to Oct. 31st, 2014 will be special dates for all of those who were touched by The Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords. The Holy Spirit was moving in a wonderful way as witnessed by the many tears of joy in the delegates. It will be long remembered as a wonderful time of warm Christian fellowship, prayer and praise. We here at C.G.I. Appreciate all of the hard work of Dr.s Prince and Patrina Guneratnam for making it all possible. We here “CGI or “Church Growth International” are very grateful for the tremendous attendance of all of our faithful delegates, friends and our beloved CGI Board Members. May all of the real glory go to God!